Thursday, December 22, 2011

Merry Christmas to all you amateur electricians!


This is cool, it looks like the house is jumping.

As the story goes, the guy that owns this house lives north of Cincinnati , Ohio ..  Police were constantly being called for traffic jams and accidents in the neighborhood so they asked him to shut it down during certain hours.  Instead he started charging by car load to pay off duty police to be there..  The guy is supposedly a real computerGEEK.















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When it is 27plus it is hot



Bah-rooster phnumber-internet



Monday, December 5, 2011

Maybe in order to understand mankind, we have to look at the word itself: "Mankind". Basically, it's made up of two separate words - "mank" and "ind". What do these words mean ? It's a mystery, and that's why so is mankind.

Friday, November 18, 2011


Saturday, November 5, 2011

Irish Maths Test




Irish Math Test

An Irishman wants a job, but the foreman won't hire him until he passes a little maths test.

Here is your first question, the foreman said.  "Without using numbers, represent the number 9."

"Without numbers?"  The Irishman says? "Dat is easy." And proceeds to draw three trees.

"What's this?" the boss asks.

"Have you ain't got no brain?  Tree and tree plus tree makes 9" says the Irishman.

"Fair enough," says the boss.  "Here's your second question.  Use the same rules, but this time the number is 99."

The Irishman stares into space for a while, then picks up the picture that he has just drawn and makes a smudge on each tree... "Ere you go."

The boss scratches his head and says, "How on earth do you get that to represent 99?"

"Each of da trees is dirty now.  So, it's dirty tree, and dirty tree, plus dirty tree.  Dat makes 99."

The boss is getting worried that he's going to actually have to hire this Irishman, so he says, "All right, last question.  Same rules again, but represent the number 100."

The Irishman stares into space some more, then he picks up the picture again and makes a little mark at the base of each tree and says, "Ere you go.  One hundred."

The boss looks at the attempt.  "You must be nuts if you think that represents a hundred!"

The Irishman leans forward and points to the marks at the base of each tree and whispers, "A little dog come along and poop by each tree.
So now you got dirty tree and a turd, dirty tree and a turd, and dirty tree and a turd, which makes ONE HUNDRED!"

The Irishman is the new supervisor.


Tuesday, November 1, 2011

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