Saturday, July 24, 2010

Noosa Holiday opportunity

Hi All

Here's a opportunity that you might be interested in, if you like
holidaying.  We have just purchased a 1-bedroom unit on Noosa Beach as
an investment property. Closed the deal last week and thought that we
would offer it to friends and colleagues first in case anyone is
interested in accommodation for an upcoming getaway on the Sunshine
Coast. It's a bit more exotic than Victoria but we expect it to be a
good investment.
It's available for weekends and on a weekly basis. We will be handling
bookings until we can find an agent to take care of it for us.
Obviously there are costs which we need to service for this property
but we are sure you'll agree when you look at the attached picture
that the rates are pretty attractive for such a high profile property.
We'll have to have it booked on a first-come, first served basis.

For friends and family only, we can make it available for $500 for
weekends up to three
nights, or $400 per week.

It's a 1 bedroom, high-rise unit with ocean view from every window!
See photo attached.
Let us know if you're interested.

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